Mortgage broker calculating home loan repayments



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Preferred Finance - Adelaide

In a world where so much is at our fingertips, no one should go to just one source for finance. The problem is that few people have time to compare all the options.

That’s why finance brokers have become an integral part of modern financial management for businesses and individuals. Brokers have the time and the knowledge, because that’s their business.

Preferred Finance is a modern, professional finance broking firm based in and working for, the Adelaide Hills and Fleurieu Peninsula communities. We understand your region and share your aspirations.

We arrange finance to suit your cash flow, tax position, objectives and help you fulfil your dreams, all with a minimum of fuss. We know how to finesse the options, avoid the traps and talk the right language.

Ask us how we can help you – all you need to do is call Preferred Finance today.

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Our Services


Home loans

Commercial loans

Vehicle & equipment loans

Refinancing of residual / balloon paymens

Working capital

Insurance premium funding


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 Phone    1300 188 118